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sipping tea中文是什么意思

用"sipping tea"造句"sipping tea"怎么读"sipping tea" in a sentence


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  • Have you ever sipped tea with a rhino , blown bubbles in the bath with a giraffe , or had messy mud fights with a pit
    书中的小女孩跟犀牛一起喝下午茶,跟长颈鹿一起洗泡泡澡、跟大黑熊一起野餐,哇… … … .这是怎麽一回事呢?
  • Have you ever sipped tea with a rhino , blown bubbles in the bath with a giraffe , or had messy mud fights with a pit
    简介:书中的小女孩跟犀牛一起喝下午茶,跟长颈鹿一起洗泡泡澡、跟大黑熊一起野餐,哇… … … .这是怎麽一回事呢?
  • And they were sitting out on the australia porch sipping tea and he was texan was telling them all how wonderful and big and beautiful and grand texas is
  • Fellow practitioners and their families stayed on at the center , sipping tea and watching the moon , enjoying the wonderful moonlit night arranged by master
  • Youngdong center resident disciples and initiates gathered for a joyful new years celebration in which they sat around a stove having a potluck dinner , sipping tea and sharing stories and then ate a specially prepared meal
  • In a further half - century it will seem just as absurd that western societies today are content to press another potentially productive set of workers to stay at home sipping tea and potting begonias ? and to pay them for it , to boot
  • The two sipped tea and discussed " business . " ho yung , a bodyguard , led " chubby , " a stocky man in short sleeves , up the stairway to meet ah biu . the men exchanged a few words before ah hung handed chubby a few hundred dollars
用"sipping tea"造句  
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